Capturing exceptions

Exception classes

Exceptions raised will be an instance of DockerException, or a child class for more specific errors.

Those are the child classes:

  • NoSuchContainer
  • NoSuchImage
  • NoSuchService
  • NotASwarmManager
  • NoSuchVolume

All exceptions will have these 4 attributes:

  • docker_command: the docker command used internally, as a list of strings.
  • return_code: the exit code docker client exited with, as an int
  • stdout: the content that docker wrote to stdout, as a string, or None
  • stderr: the content that docker wrote to stderr, as a string, or None


import logging
from python_on_whales import DockerClient
from python_on_whales.exceptions import DockerException

client = DockerClient(compose_files=["/tmp/docker-compose.yml"])
    client.execute("my-service", ["arg1", "arg2"])
except DockerException as e:
    print(f"Exit code {e.return_code} while running {e.docker_command}")